“Equinox & Solstice” by DJ Lynce
PT / 2021
From DJ Lynce
Producer Mera Label
Art Direction José Dinis
Light Design José Dinis, João Ferreira
Lasers Duarte Amorim
Video Projection Nelson Duarte
Régie João Soares
An exclusive stage design was developed for DJ Lynce, for his residence in Alinea A, within the four seasons of the year. As the Earth makes a complete revolution around the sun every 365 days, it reaches its apsides two times of the year and designating what we call the summer and winter solstices, and also their midpoints: the equinoxes. These perihelion and aphelion distances were a starting point on the conception of this stage design, digging through notions of light and darkness, of angle and direction, of different stages of time and place, and diverting through metaphorical and precise calculations of distances and intensities of light. Furthermore, this live performance was enriched by DJ Lynce’s vast and rich repertoire, in which our perception is transported in a journey to some vast and deep place in which we cannot grasp for a full understanding.