“Yip Man” by Stereoboy

PT / 2021
From Stereoboy

Producer João Parra
Director Luís Sobreiro
Director of Photography Alvar Riu
DMX Light Design and Managment José Dinis

It was during the lockdown period that the idea for the latest Stereoboy video was born: to create a visual journey that to the sound of “Yip Man” (a theme taken from the recent Kung Fu) could transport the viewer to a world where barriers, today so visible, if they faded.
Filmed on a continuous 360, the video clip that is released was born in Porto, but evolved into an international collaborative production. Recorded in the garage of Casa da Música, in Porto, the piece follows the movement of five characters building a collaborative narrative. A camera moved by a mechanical object wanders through a space where there are four unusual sets. The videoclip was selected to the competition of 29th edition of Curtas Vila do Conde - International Film Festival, and others.