“Ignis Veu” by Mauro Ventura

PT / 2021
From Mauro Ventura
Stage Design Mauro Ventura
Soundscape Cem Dukkha
Director José J. Dinis
From the Long Live thee New Flesh series: Based on bodily self-reflection and the path between our body and death, "Ignis Veu" by Mauro Ventura (also known by DJ Saliva) asserts itself as a performative ritual of bodies that paint themselves while building new scenarios. Thus, “Ignis Veu” seeks, almost through a Dionysian fury, to transform this social journey of the body as a weapon into a dialogue that defends the normalization of all the different personalities that we paint in our lives, as well as their evolution. Far from automation, Mauro aims for the simple interaction of each body and the reinvention of its actions, resulting in fabrics as scenarios for these bodies.
Filmed with analogue film cameras (DV), this conception takes us to a journey of the body and the inner-self, reaching us in a more vast and complex way that rather assisting to it personally. The “silent witnesses” of this cameras perspectives, can also makes us a voyeur in this process of transformation or rebornation. This video is an excerpt of the final climax of the live performance.